
AI of Medical Thing (AIoMT) becomes the new brand identity of DataHub Marketplace

08 Sep, 2023

Dear all,

We are thrilled to announce that AI of Medical Thing (AIoMT) has replaced DataHub Marketplace as the name of our products on the IVIRSE ecosystem. This is the outcome of our shifting product development strategy in response to the emergence of new technology.

As you know, DataHub Marketplace was a platform that allowed users to store, manage, and monetize their personal health data in a secure and transparent way. Users could connect their health data from various sources, such as the IVIE — Bác sĩ ơi app, and give access to other users, healthcare providers, researchers, or advertisers. They could also earn IVI tokens, the native token of IVIRSE by participating in the data marketplace.

However, the development team realized that data alone is not enough to create value for our users and partners, which in turn we wanted to leverage the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to transform health data into actionable insights and solutions. That’s why we decided to rebrand our platform as AI of Medical Thing (AIoMT).

AIoMT is a platform that uses AI to provide personalized and preventive healthcare services to users. AIoMT analyzes users’ health data and generates customized recommendations, diagnoses, treatment, or prevention plans for various health conditions. It also connects users with qualified doctors and specialists who can provide further guidance and support, that aims to improve the quality and accessibility of healthcare for everyone.

Our product harnesses the potential of blockchain and AI to offer you a sophisticated and secure solution for managing your health data. By applying various AI subsets and algorithms; such as machine learning (ML), deep learning (DL), and Federated Learning (FL), it can improve the performances of modern medical sciences.

More specially, AIoMT is expected to unlock the next generation of systems advancing human health in clinical diagnosis, medical imaging, and decision-making ability. Users can utilize their data for various purposes, such as accessing their electronic health records, monitoring vital signs remotely, receiving insights from bioinformatics and genomics, diagnosing medical images, etc.

We believe that AMT is a more accurate and appealing name for our platform, as it reflects our vision of creating a digital healthcare ecosystem that leverages AI and blockchain technology. We hope that you will join us on this journey and support our new brand identity.

Thank you for your continued support and trust in us. We look forward to serving you better with AIoMT!



  • #AI
  • #technology
  • #data
  • #AIoMT
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