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Benefits of using iViVi AI Chatbot

21 Nov, 2023

iViVi is a smart and convenient tool that can help medical staff during the medical examination and treatment process. iViVi is directly integrated into ISOFH products and it can interact with users in natural language under the message interface, and provide them with various services.

💯 Some of the benefits of using iViVi AI Chatbot for medical staff are:

✅ Save time and effort by providing them with instructions on how to use the software, such as creating a patient record, prescribing medication, ordering a test, or generating a report.

✅ Improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare services by providing them with information and recommendations on drug interactions, such as adverse effects, contraindications, or precautions.

✅ Enhance their knowledge and skills on different medical topics, such as diseases, treatments, drugs, or procedures, by answering their questions and providing them with relevant resources.

✅ Improve their customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing them with fast, accurate, and friendly service.

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