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How IVIRSE's Products Work Together to Create a Blockchain-Based Digihealth Ecosystem

23 Nov, 2023

IVIRSE is a company that aims to revolutionize the healthcare industry by using blockchain technology and artificial intelligence. IVIRSE's products are designed to create a digihealth ecosystem that connects patients, providers, and payers securely, transparently, and efficiently. In this article, we will explore how IVIRSE's products work together to achieve this goal.

IVIRSE's products are:


Artificial Intelligence of Medical Things. This platform enables the integration of medical devices, sensors, and wearables with blockchain and AI. AIoMT allows patients to monitor their health data, share it with their providers, and receive personalized recommendations and interventions. AIoMT also enables providers to access real-time data, diagnose and treat patients remotely, and optimize workflows. AIoMT leverages the power of blockchain to ensure the security, privacy, and immutability of health data, as well as smart contracts to automate the transactions and agreements between the parties.


DigiHealth Assets

These are digital assets that represent the health data, services, and outcomes of the patients and providers. DigiHealth Assets are created and stored on the blockchain, and can be traded, exchanged, and used as incentives or rewards. DigiHealth Assets can be used to access quality healthcare, reduce costs, and improve outcomes. For example, patients can use their DigiHealth Assets to pay for their treatments, providers can use them to receive payments or bonuses, and payers can use them to reimburse or incentivize the patients and providers.


These are the native tokens of the IVIRSE ecosystem. IVIE is the utility token that is used to power the AIoMT platform and the DigiHealth Assets. IVIE is used to pay for the fees, transactions, and services on the platform, as well as to reward the participants for their contributions and behaviors. IHEALTH is the governance token that is used to participate in the decision-making and management of the IVIRSE ecosystem. IHEALTH holders can vote on the proposals, policies, and updates of the platform, as well as to stake their tokens to earn rewards and benefits.

By combining these products, IVIRSE creates a blockchain-based digihealth ecosystem that offers the following advantages:

  • Enhanced patient empowerment and engagement: Patients can have more control and ownership over their health data, access quality and affordable healthcare, and receive personalized and proactive care. Patients can also benefit from the incentives and rewards that motivate them to improve their health and wellness.
  • Improved provider efficiency and effectiveness: Providers can have more access and insight into the health data, deliver remote and timely care, and optimize their resources and workflows. Providers can also benefit from the payments and bonuses that reflect their performance and outcomes.
  • Increased payer transparency and accountability: Payers can have more visibility and trust into the health data, services, and outcomes, reduce the administrative and operational costs, and align their interests with the patients and providers. Payers can also benefit from the reimbursements and incentives that encourage them to support the quality and value of the healthcare.

In conclusion, IVIRSE's products work together to create a blockchain-based digihealth ecosystem that transforms the healthcare industry by connecting patients, providers, and payers securely, transparently, and efficiently. IVIRSE's products leverage the power of blockchain and AI to enable the integration, exchange, and use of health data, services, and outcomes, as well as to provide the incentives and rewards that drive the improvement and innovation of healthcare. IVIRSE's products are designed to create a win-win situation for all the stakeholders in the healthcare system.

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